Business administration consists of the array of systems that your business employs to create, encourage and compel leadership on the part of your staff. Properly employed, systems will always help your staff understand "what to do next".
These systems incorporate your company policies with methods for execution of your company policies; from order entry through the shipment of the order, collection of data to timely and accurate dissemination of data to your staff, field representatives, customers and suppliers. Further, management requires the efficient and accurate access to data which ensures effective management decision making and execution. Well designed systems provide this data.
It is important that your staff is engaging with your customers in a very deliberate and predictable manner which is consistent with the identity of your company. For instance when the customer asks the same question of two different staff members, will your customer hear the same answer? How are objections responded to? Systems will help your company manage these issues to your benefit.
Well conceived and executed systems are the backbone of successful companies.
Leadership Systems Consulting can help you Get It Done